Thousands of carores vanish
from our country every year and merge in the vanity box of some particular
actors and actresses; we clap; we whistle; we make merry on the loss of our
pockets… justify it if you can! In the news channels, daily the news flashes:
Happy New Year may make 200s
of carore in first 10 days. Alright, accepted. But, from where these 200
carores will come? From our pockets – and what shall we get in lieu of that? Cheap
entertainment justifying that evil can bring poetic justice in the world? I am ashamed
to come from such a country where people die of starvation and people of so
called sophisticated classes, intellectual classes go to the cinema halls to
invest thousands of rupees for two hours of eye-stretching pain! Ah! Have you
ever asked yourself where does your money go? Listen to the gossips and news on
the news channels. Someone is gifting 2 carore rupees watch to his/her friend. Someone
is gifting a 90 careore bunglow to someone who is yet learning to laugh
properly. And we? We are looking like the fools and smiling over the acts of
caterpillars who are sucking our blood and boast of being good to the world! I defy
them and I defy you people who go to cinema halls and shout when you come out
that government is not doing anything! Be ashamed you shameless and learn first
the art of understanding!
Yes, you will ask me what do
I do? Do I not go to cinema? The answer is NO. I have NEVER BEEN to cinema hall
in my life; and will never go. I don’t have that money to invest in nothing.
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